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Steve Jobs the creative and innovative man behind Apple\’s success. ?

Steve Jobs\’ contributions to technology, creativity, and product development have a lasting effect on the globe. He with his forward thinking had more influence on computer design than anyone else, his design was ground breaking and the combination of user friendly software to outside the box hardware. What drove this man to be so creative?.I think that focusing in one thing and letting his creative thoughts flow, do you know what that one thing was, i believe it was his trusty apple with a bite out of it, i think clearing his mind of disruptive thoughts and letting the mind create.was key to his success.
When Jobs was in charge of Apple, the business developed ground-breaking products including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
NeXT, which Jobs founded, created an operating system that Apple subsequently bought to improve its personal computers.
Pixar was successfully established by Jobs as a pioneer in animated feature films, and in 2006, the firm was sold to Disney for a sum of $7.4 billion. Without Jobs Apple would have gone broke, he dug them out of a bad pedicament with his innovation and creative products, Steve Jobs launched one innovation after another after another, revolutionizing computers, entertainment, music, retail, mobile, and telecommunications. It’s no wonder that CNBC named Steve Jobs the #1 most innovative and transformative business leader of the past 25 years.

Steve Jobs made sure all his products were environebtally friendly made from recycled materials and carbon meutral, he was also genrous through Apple to charity organisations.

Some of his achievements was the creation of Pixar which made Toy Story, and other great animations. Toy Story was far above anything that Disney created and Disney ended up acquiring this business for billions of dollars. His NeXT generation computers help develop the emerging Internet through the World Wide Web. He also developed Ipods,Iphones, Ipads which all made the user more in control of their musoc and information. Hos touch screen and keybiardless interface was all ground breaking.

The Key to his sucess was passion something he could get his mind around the mind loves thinking through passionate ideas. It is essential to innovation. To find your true passion, you have to dig deep. Steve Jobs was dedicated about creating tools that would enable people to reach their full potential, not machines. At the conclusion of one of his final significant public presentations, Jobs said one of his most memorable things. The combination of technology and liberal arts, according to Jobs, \”makes our hearts sing.\”

He always thought of the end user and wanted to simplofy things for the user, make the main thing the main thing.. He reduced the number of products produced and concentrated on a few priducts.

He also broadened his mind with varied experiences , leaning new things things that through his passion and his vision he was able to guide the people who worked for him towards developing more and more innovative products.he could bring to the table to intergrate with technology, innovators “associate” ideas from different fields and apply them to the product or service they’re working on. 

In the end, Steve Jobs was prosperous because he promoted dreams rather than tangible goods. Jobs declared when he originally launched the first Apple Store in 2001 that it was not intended to \”sell computers.\” It would \”enrich lives\” instead. Nobody is interested in your product. They have self-interest in mind. You\’ll win their loyalty if you develop goods that assist them in realising their aspirations.
Instead of selling things, start improving lives.

Apple now operates more than 300 retail stores in 11 countries. The company has sold more than 275 million iPods, 100 million iPhones and 25 million iPads worldwide.

Jobs’ climb to the top was complete in summer 2011, when Apple listed more cash reserves than the U.S. Treasury and even briefly surpassed Exxon Mobil as the world’s most valuable company.

He sadly died taken by pancreas cancer, he caught it early but decided against treatment as he thought the vegetable juice diet would heal him.