Van Gogh\’s Life Lessons: How His Struggles and Successes Relate to Business.

the artistic mind sensitive and creative.

Vincent van Gogh was considered a failure in his time for a few reasons. Firstly, he struggled to gain recognition and support from the art establishment of his day. Secondly, his style of painting was considered unconventional and controversial, which made it difficult for him to sell his work or find patrons. Finally, Van Gogh\’s mental health issues and personal struggles, including poverty and social isolation, likely contributed to his lack of success during his lifetime.
However, after Van Gogh\’s death, his work gained recognition and popularity, and he became one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, as the art world shifted towards modernism and abstract expressionism, Van Gogh\’s bold, expressive brushstrokes and vibrant colors became more appreciated. Secondly, the romanticized narrative of the tragic artist who suffered for his art also helped to make Van Gogh a cultural icon. Finally, the efforts of art dealers, collectors, and museums to promote and showcase Van Gogh\’s work played a significant role in his posthumous success.
Overall, Van Gogh\’s failure during his lifetime was due to a combination of factors, including his unconventional style, lack of recognition from the art establishment, and personal struggles. However, his posthumous popularity was due to a shift in artistic taste and the romanticized narrative surrounding his life and work, as well as the efforts of others to promote his art.
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer\’s day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy, linen land – David Mclean starry starry night


Additionally, it\’s believed that the song aims to convey van Gogh\’s difficult relationship with his family. They were an affluent family who did not accept him because of his schizophrenia (\”for they could not love you\”) and who never understood his desire to aid the underprivileged. Van Gogh allegedly believed that by killing himself, he would prove his argument to his parents. You may see this in the phrase \”Perhaps they\’ll listen now.\” Many people think the song is a heartfelt ode to van Gogh in honour of the difficulties he dealt with as a result of his mental illness and his remarkable good nature.
Van Gogh\’s sanity and his suicide are also mentioned. Mental illness tormented van Gogh all of his life, specifically, depression. In the end, he \”suffered for his sanity\” and \”took [his] life, as lovers often do.\” The word \”lover\” in this instance refers to McLean\’s interpretation of van Gogh\’s relationship with his art as one of love. Because of this love, van Gogh was able to continue creating art despite not receiving approval from his contemporaries: \”For they could not love you, but still your love was true.\”
Another explanation is that the lines represent Van Gogh\’s shady relationship with Paul Gauguin, with whom he had a complicated relationship, similar to that of many others. The relationship was so intense that Van Gogh believed it was reasonable to cut off a portion of his left earlobe as a symbol of cutting Gauguin out.


Vincent Van Gogh\’s life is a fascinating study in perseverance, creativity, and the importance of pursuing one\’s passions despite obstacles. His experiences and struggles can offer valuable lessons for those in the business world, who may also face challenges and setbacks in their careers. Here are a few key ways that Van Gogh\’s life can offer insights for business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Persistence and Determination
Despite numerous setbacks, rejections, and personal struggles, Van Gogh never gave up on his dream of becoming an artist. He continued to produce work and experiment with new techniques, even when he faced criticism and rejection from the art establishment. This persistence and determination are qualities that are essential for success in business as well. Entrepreneurs and business leaders must be willing to face challenges and setbacks and keep pushing forward, even when things seem difficult or impossible.
Creativity and Innovation
Van Gogh\’s work was highly innovative for its time, using bold colors and expressive brushstrokes to create powerful, emotive paintings. This creativity and innovation are qualities that are highly valued in the business world as well. In order to stand out from the competition and succeed in a crowded market, entrepreneurs and business leaders must be willing to take risks, think outside the box, and develop new and innovative products, services, or processes.
Resilience and Adaptability
Van Gogh faced numerous challenges throughout his life, including poverty, mental illness, and social isolation. However, he was able to bounce back from these setbacks and adapt to his circumstances in order to continue pursuing his artistic vision. This resilience and adaptability are qualities that are also highly valuable in the business world. Entrepreneurs and business leaders must be able to adapt to changing market conditions, pivot their strategies when necessary, and bounce back from setbacks or failures.
Importance of Personal Branding
Van Gogh\’s posthumous success was in part due to the efforts of others to promote and showcase his work. This promotion helped to establish his personal brand and create a narrative around his life and work that resonated with audiences. In the business world, personal branding is also important, as entrepreneurs and business leaders must be able to establish a clear and compelling brand that resonates with their target audience and sets them apart from competitors.
Vincent Van Gogh\’s life offers valuable lessons for those in the business world,