Look both ways then do something different !

Marketing adds a bit of flare into it and some artistry or creativity. There is not just one way to do it and it is those who take risks who find it stimulating to see if it has any effect on the end consumer.
Unusual selling methods can be used to sell your product, service, or idea. There are many uses for these methods and they seem to come at you unexpectantly not fully sure of what you saw, heard. Thats what gets your customer interested or inquisitive.
In the fast-paced world of marketing, it can be easy to overlook the many small opportunities we have to build our brand and expand our business. Instead, we become overwhelmed by the overwhelming amounts of information , as everyone is using the tried and true method of selling and it hardly raises anybodies attention. We often hear that marketing is “the hidden wanderer in marketing’’ and that there’s really nothing special about it. Wrong! There is so much to understand about marketing, and so much to learn from different strategies and techniques. We need to think about marketing as a whole, not just the outputs.


Are you tired of the same old marketing techniques that everyone else is using? Do you want to stand out and get your product noticed? Here\’s a creative idea for selling or marketing your product:
Host a Pop-Up Shop on Wheels!
A pop-up shop on wheels is a unique way to market and sell your product. Instead of setting up shop in a traditional retail location, you can take your products on the road and bring them directly to your target audience.
Here\’s how it works:
Find a vehicle: Look for a vehicle that is large enough to store your products and equipment, but small enough to navigate through busy streets. Consider using a food truck or a retrofitted van or trailer.
Customize your vehicle: Personalize your vehicle with your brand\’s colors and logo. Install shelving and display cases to showcase your products.
Plan your route: Map out your route and schedule stops in high-traffic areas such as festivals, farmer\’s markets, or outdoor events.
Offer an experience: Make your pop-up shop on wheels an experience for your customers. Consider offering samples, demonstrations, or interactive activities that engage your customers and showcase the benefits of your product.
Use social media: Use social media to promote your pop-up shop on wheels and share your schedule with your followers. Encourage your customers to share photos of your pop-up shop on social media and use hashtags to increase your reach.
A pop-up shop on wheels is a creative way to sell or market your product and can generate excitement and buzz around your brand. It allows you to reach a wider audience and provides a unique experience for your customers. So why not take your products on the road and see where the journey takes you?
Other ideas
Influencer marketing and events: Partnering with popular social media influencers to promote your product to their followers and hosting events and product launches featuring popular influencers to generate buzz and attract potential customers.
Product demonstrations: Showcasing your product in person through live demonstrations or “try before you buy” events.
Guerilla marketing: Using unconventional or unexpected marketing tactics, such as street performances or flash mobs, to grab attention and generate buzz. 
Personalized marketing: Using data and technology to personalize your marketing messages and offers to individual customers based on their interests and behaviors.


Other ways

Product placement: This involves placing a product in a film, television show, or other form of media in order to promote it to a wider audience.
Cause marketing: This involves linking a product or brand to a social cause, in order to appeal to consumers who are interested in social and environmental issues.
Experiential marketing: This involves creating a memorable experience for consumers, such as by setting up a pop-up store or hosting a live event, in order to promote a product.
Ambient marketing: This involves promoting a product in unexpected places, such as on the side of a bus or in a public park.
Breaking a record or doing something that brings a lot of public attention, but within the law and moral standards. there is no such thing as bad publicity as you can sneak some product or business exposure to it.